Friday, June 30, 2006

Mah Farkin Rib, Man!

Right, so since Jandy Mandy from the Red Villains linked me on his damn blargo-poster, I figure I ought ta post at least a little something about something.

I won't say anything about the dumbfucks over in france cuz there's already plenty of coverage about that.

I'm gonna tell you about my skin and my favorite almost busted rib. I crashed my bicycle last weekend and in the process got mowed over by no fewer than six other Crit Monkeys as I hit the deck. The surface damage wasn't too bad considering my speed and the condition of the pavement I fell on. Most of the stuff wasn't too deep, there was just lots of it. Well, it's been five days now, most of it is about 80% healed, except for one little spot on my leg. Last night while I was checking out the damage, I noticed that the really shallow stuff on my leg hurt really bad, and that it was waaaay more red than it was the day before. I tore off the Tegaderm patch to reveal a huge mountain of infected skin and puss. Fan-fucking-tastic! I gave it a good cleaning, put a big 'ole glop of Brave Soldier antiseptic ointment on it, and bandaged it up. This morning, the mound of rotten flesh had improved a bunch. Swelling had gone down and the leakage was almost gone. Hopefully my leg doesn't fall off.

How the hell did that happen? I usually keep very sanitary and sterile conditions while I bandage my effed up flesh, and this stuff was so shallow as to almost not need a bandage. I dunno. It just sucks.

Oh, and about that rib... I went for x-rays the day after my smash-up just to make sure my back wasn't busted because that was what hurt at the time. Doc says nothing looked broken, I asked him to look at the part of the x-ray with my ribs and again he reported nothing broken. Cool. The back is slowly getting better each day, but this goddamned rib is getting worse! I no longer get good sleep because every time I roll onto my left side, I'm quickly reminded that shit aint right on that side of the business. Deep breaths hurt like a sonofadonkey, and certain twisting movements make me wanna yelp like the dog I kicked last night.

From what I understand, nothing can be done about a broken or bruised rib other than to just let it heal. This sucks balls.