The mound of rotting flesh on my leg has gone away and now looks like nice, normal, just crashed on and healed, skin. Most of the skin that went missing at the BurlyGames Crit has grown back, with the exception of this troublesome patch on my elbow, which happens to be right where the nastiest scar on my body already lives. This is just fantastic because it means that the scar will now just get even bigger and nastier. Everyone that sees it tells me that I should get it taken care of because, well, you know, it's nasty. I figure I'll just roll with it and keep on using it as my primary method of slowing down in crashes. By the time I'm done racing, the elbow will either be completely covered in one giant scar, and therefore have a somewhat uniform appearance, or it will continue on in its current state, only bigger and nastier than ever.
Growing skin is fun stuff. Kinda like raising a plant, only faster and a bit more involved. Get it right and moderately deep road rash is fixed in a week. Get it wrong and you have a stinky mound of not so healthy stuff, which itself can be healed fairly quickly if handled properly.
Right. Skin. Good Times.
my favorite is getting home a day later and finding out that the non paid nurse didnt clean it out all the way, and you have to spend the next two days scrubbing it raw and waiting for the brown stains on the telfa to go away.......
I never let those monkeys do the scrubbing. I had to tell the dude at Burlingame three times to scrub harder. He wouldn't let me do it myself.
I had some great green stains on the non-stick from the rotten thing this time.
Rainbow of Rot.
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